Food Critic Wannabe's
Ambrosia. Chow. Grub. Whatever word you use, it's still food. According to, it's "any nourishing substance that is eaten, drunk, or otherwise taken into the body to sustain life, provide energy, promote growth, etc." According to Susi, food can be anything an organism partakes of that is beneficial or good for the body, provides nourishment and satisfaction. And boy, do I like to partake! I often joke with family and friends that I am a "hamburger conniesseur." I love them! I can go to the fanciest restaurant and still order a hamburger! My friend Karyn and I have started this blog after a delightful dining experience. I've always wanted to be a food critic and only in the wonderful world of the world wide web, can I be! Each restaurant visited, Karyn and I will share our own critique about the service, atmosphere, and of course, food. Enjoy!
Hi, my name is Karyn, and I'm addicted to food. Not just any food... I love EVERY type of food... Hawaiian, Mexican, Italian, Greek, Brazilian, American, Japanese, Chinese, Filipino... you name it, I'll eat it... or at least try it. :) A lot of people look at me and just see a Polynesian girl with an affinity for Oriental foods... but in actuality, I like to describe myself as an explorer of the culinary arts. I've (also) always wanted to be a food critic... to be paid for eating awesome food! :) So, as Susi and I pave the culinary roads for you, we invite you to join us in the ups and downs of eating in St. George, UT and wherever else we go.
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